kool Kat Layouts


Male - 120 years old
United States
Profile views: 15891
Last Login: December 09 2024

Mood: Bummed OutPhotobucket

Member's URL:http://www.rockabillyfever.com/rockabillyreb

      RockinRebel's Interests
GeneralPlaying guitar & singing for fun on my spare time, making new social networks, inventing, listening to music, learning new things, camping, riding my bike on a nice warm summer day on the beach or park..
MusicGENE GAMBLER and the shufflers - FOR QUIT A WHILE, Carl Perkins, ELVIS PRESLEY, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran , KIERON MC DONALD- kelly ann ,Bill Haley, Charlie Feathers,Stan Getz & His Tom Cats / Johnny Powers ,Rick Nelson,Jackie Gotroe, Ronnie Allen-Juvenile Delinquent, Joe D. Johnson,Al Downing,Johnny Dollar,Link Wray & His Ray Men,Buddy Holly, Dion, Black Cadillac -Joyce Green, Barbara Pittman,Freddie & the Hitch-Hikers,Jackie DeShannon, Bobby & Terry Caraway - Bobby Caraway- Terry Caraway etc... the list can go on for ever if it's rockabilly then I likes! ;)
Heroes:Brian Setzer because of him I got interested in exploring rockabilly music... I was not born rockabilly I learned it.

        RockinRebel's Details
Status: Single
Joined: June 30, 2012
Last Login: December 09 2024
Here for: Networking, Friends,
Connect with Artists, Discover New Music, Rate Music,
Body Type: No_Answer
Ethnicity:This sucks
Religion:I will let you know . .
Height:5ft 7in

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Groups I joined: Not joined yet.

RockinRebel Sorry everyone I not updated the site yet been working on things on the side but hopefully in 2016 sometime you will be seeing a new rockabillyfever site improved.. I had no time to advertise or promote this site yet so it will remain dead till I do.. .

       RockinRebel's Playlist
Andy Doll Hey Ba Ba Re Bop
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Lookie Lookie Lookie
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Pink Cadillac
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RockinRebel's Latest Rants Entry [Subscribe to Rant N' Raves]

:: new testingnew   06/19/2015
:: Hi It is test blog navigation   06/13/2014
:: test   06/10/2014
:: 1   06/06/2014
:: test   06/06/2014
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    RockinRebel's Blurbs
About me:

Hello to all my new members and friends! You can just call me Reb for short. I am the owner and founder of RockabillyFever. You can read a short history of this site in my Rant N Ravings aka blogs, journals call it what you like ;)

I hope you all enjoy this site and keep it clean from any trash or trouble making with others and we all will get a long. I am a fun and caring guy who likes to help others if I can and I am pretty easy going you can talk to me about anything and I will listen. If you have any questions just drop me a message and we will chat.


Who I'd like to meet:
I like to meet anyone who is cool, funny, not too serious and who likes to have a good time. People who cause drama I can live without.

I look forward to meeting all fans of rockabilly from all over the world from the Die hard rockabilly's to the purists rockabilly's to the ones who are just starting to get an interest in it. Hope to chat and talk with you all soon..

       RockinRebel's Rockin Friends
RockinRebel has 1210 Rockin Friends.






Rene O' Do..



Mrs Kriste..

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       RockinRebel's Favorite Bands
RockinRebel has 4 favorite bands.
Demo Music..

Karling Ab..

Loner Trou..

Leah and h..

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       RockinRebel's Albums
Rockabilly    (1 photos)
Cool Rockabilly pics

    RockinRebel's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 29 comments (View All Add Comment)
The Roustabouts

04-25-2016 6:34:12

Well! we got an email & can't open it?
So, what is the point in this?


01-01-2015 2:52:38

 photo hny.jpg


01-09-2014 8:34:12

hey Rebel, glad to hear everything's good. If you ask me, I'd say you've done a lot of amazing stuff with this site. I haven't checked out psychobillyfever yet, but I will. I'm Sagittarius, so I have a lot of hobbies. Love cars, movies, reading, painting, getting tattooed, but I dig being active too. I like cleaning and cooking too lol!!! What else do you do besides this...


01-07-2014 4:32:16

I've been good, thanks for asking. Just been watching a lot of movies, its too cold to do anything else here. How about you?


01-06-2014 7:14:30

Finally pics are up!

East Los Ponygirl

12-15-2013 9:08:57

That blows. Well hopefully you'll feel better soon. How's tricks beyond that?

East Los Ponygirl

11-20-2013 11:27:59

Hey you, how you doing? Well I was thinking of you a few days ago and wondered if you are doing okay. I hope you are, take care :)


11-13-2013 4:47:22

Hello. How's it?


10-25-2013 2:48:28

Lol yeah it is but me personally I love leopard so the hearts one caught my attention right away ^.^ . Awesome, for sure I will :)


10-24-2013 4:19:06

Oh wow I didn't even notice I could change it im still trying to add info and other stuff but since u mentioned it and im such a girl I selected the flashy leopard hearts :)


10-24-2013 1:48:14

things will get better luv! keep your head up n keep rockin!!


10-24-2013 1:35:17

Hey mr rebel pretty cool site you have up :)


10-23-2013 11:55:43

I'm pretty sure I'll bore you with my family problems lol.. Other than that imam start school just want to make sure on what exactly. But yeah I wouldn't mind brainstorming . Hopefully we'll come into some great and new ideas and answers.


10-23-2013 10:45:45

hey rockin rebel,
I been okay just trying to figure out somethings you know life!! how have u been hun?


10-23-2013 12:41:00

oh cool! im often out that way for work


10-22-2013 10:42:24

when did ya move out to ca?
and where in ca?


10-16-2013 6:42:44

I missed you to. Would like to hear from you more often.


09-12-2013 3:38:11

Thank You Reb ;)

East Los Ponygirl

09-09-2013 12:41:52

Right on.

East Los Ponygirl

09-07-2013 4:01:51

Well it is a goof fight to fight. I've been there, will be back there again soon but it's worth it to hold on and not give up even if you feel like crap because the odds seemed stacked up high against you. If they are, kick their ass, if it's just stress siking you out, do something nice for you until you feel a little better to break things down to more manageable. Anyway did you follow up to get details on services and programs you may qualify for?

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